Now with our buyers and business partners and spread across the globe, we are ready to explore new horizons in the art of manufacturing Sports Wear, Fitness Wear, Compression Wear, Motorbike Garments, Sports Gloves, Trachten Wear & Custom Jackets. Our R&D departments work round the clock to search the new dimensions in the field. This keeps us in touch with ever-changing global professional and technological scene.
Quite naturally, no business organization stands in vacuum . therefore our trusted customers & buyers are the other most important other side of the picture.
The ever flowing stream of feedback from them .keep us on our toes and brings us closest to the feel of things. Without this support we lose considerably. Hence,
we honor the reputation and trust of our customers ahead of everything else. Under the brand name of Polar Garments the range of design, materials and colors is virtually inexhaustible.
Apart from the variety in our catalogue and web, we accommodate any customer-advised specifications and modifications. The professional and aesthetic demands of any kind can be met without any problem.
Under the vigilant eyes of our experts, every stitch is scanned to maintain the highest standards of quality and performance, because three important things are at stake: Biker’s honor, Buyer’s reputation and our Pride.
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